Clock Restoration

Antique Clock sales

Some clocks have a hard life. It begins as far back as the 17th century. The long cases or better known as Grandfather clocks often stood on stone floors in the houses of well to do people. Maids would scrub the stone floors and leave the floor damp. Over time the damp would rises through the wood of the case and this would cause problems with the wood warping & cracking. Cabinet makers of the time would have been used to restore and rectify problems, and they still are. On the other end of the scale, many a clock has had restoration because of central heating.

Bracket or table clocks being smaller & off the floor, obviously would not have that problem, even so, they suffered in other ways. Being smaller clocks, they would be moved by the owners with pendulums still attached, this could damage the clock escapement. Portable clocks soon came in to fashion, the pendulum was not required on these clocks, instead a balance wheel & hairspring was employed to control the time. A vast majority of these clocks still survive today, some are 100% original.

We often find cases treated with neglect and disrespect. Cases get knocked, scratched and even painted. None-the-less we can restore them back to their former glory.

Most clocks get restored or repaired at some point in their lifetime, indeed more than once

"One of the most horrific calls we've made recently was to the owner of a beautiful fusee wall clock. He had not moved the clock in decades, not even when decorating (he had not even covered it). A snigger almost became a hysterical laugh when i tried to get it of the wall; the case was bonded to the wall by paper & paint. The movement inside the case nearly was as clean as the day it went into the case. The gentleman was amazed to see his clock restored to the way it looked the day he bought it."

Contact us now, for your horological requirements:


Tel: 01256 862492






A before & after look at what is achievable when restoring antique clocks.

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